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Earth inherits the world, and wood supports the sky——Record the style of the College of Civil Engineering in the 2021 Professional Festival

Date of issue :2021-10-24   Hits:

From October 22 to 23, 2021, the School of Civil Engineering held a professional exposition and a professional lecture on the Mingxiang campus, aiming to introduce the majors and colleges to the 2021 undergraduates, stimulate students' interest in learning, and improve their enthusiasm for learning.

At the professional exposition, both challenging and interesting activities were set up. By experiencing the process of studying the structure of objects and appreciating the fascinating aspects of structural design, they had a more specific understanding of the future professional learning content.  In addition, the National College Student Structural Design Competition was highlighted, and the model and loading process of structural design were displayed in an all-round way, calling on students to be creative and combine their love for the profession with practice.

At 18:30 on October 22, a professional lecture was held in Xingsi Building, Mingxiang Campus. Party Secretary Zhou Wei, Dean Dong Xiaoqiang, heads of the Department of Construction Engineering, Department of HVAC, Department of Road and Bridge, and all undergraduates of the 2021 class attended  , the lecture was presided over by Lu Qian, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college.

First of all, Dong Xiaoqiang introduced the history of the college, institutional settings, outstanding alumni, faculty, professional training, etc. to all the 2021 undergraduates. He encouraged the students to consolidate their professional foundation, build professional confidence, compare with social needs, and strive to grow into people with ideal feelings,  Excellent talents with solid knowledge and innovative ability.  Subsequently, the head of the department gave an explanation from the aspects of professional history, faculty strength, training plan, training results and development prospects, which further deepened the first-year students' understanding of the major.

Finally, Zhou Wei sent a message to the 2021 undergraduates of the School of Civil Engineering: first, study hard, study hard, and study well; second, enjoy life, enjoy the process, and enjoy dignity; third, first-class schools, first-class colleges, first-class  Majors call for first-class students.  I hope that the students will not match their youth and cherish their study time. The college will open its arms to welcome the students to return in one year.

This activity will continue to be promoted through online professional visits, laboratory open days and other activities, providing a platform for students to deepen their professional cognition and enhance their professional confidence.

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