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The fourth student and third graduate student congress of our college was successfully held

Date of issue :2021-10-22   Hits:

On October 21, 2021, the fourth student and third postgraduate congress of our school was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the Museum of Yingxi Campus. Lu Qian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Civil Engineering, Qiu Shaorong, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Shi Wei, member of the Presidium of the Graduate Student Union, and Xue Zelong, a member of the Presidium of the University Student Union attended the conference.  80 undergraduate representatives and 20 graduate students from the School of Civil Engineering attended the conference.

The conference kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Lu Qian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy, delivered a speech at the meeting.  She expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the conference, affirmed the work of the student organization of our college, and expressed her gratitude to all the student leaders for their hard work.  At the same time, she pointed out that the contemporary Chinese youth is a generation that walks with the new era and moves forward together. It is necessary to love the country and the people, temper morality, inspire belief, gain inspiration, and draw strength from the study of party history, and consciously use the excellent Chinese culture to bacon  Soul, enlighten wisdom and heart, strengthen moral cultivation, discern right and wrong.  We must be brave in innovation in our daily study and life, dare to be the first, and dare to make breakthroughs.  It is necessary to be practical and practical, down-to-earth, pursue excellence in climbing the peak of knowledge, and do better than words when shouldering the heavy responsibilities of the times.  To gain dignity and change destiny through hard work.

On behalf of the third students of the School of Civil Engineering and the presidium of the second graduate student union, Chen Zhiwei delivered a work report to the conference entitled "Remain true to the original intention, forge ahead, and work together to seek a new situation for the new era of the student union and the graduate student union".  The report made a comprehensive review and summary of the work progress of our school since the third student and second graduate student congress, and made a plan and design for the work organized by the student union in the future.

The conference elected the fourth students of the School of Civil Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology and the members of the presidium of the third postgraduate association, and elected representatives to attend the fourth and third postgraduate representative conferences of Taiyuan University of Technology.

The conference ended successfully with the inspiring Communist Youth League anthem.

This conference is a conference of democracy and unity, a conference to sum up experience and plan for the future, and a conference to unite people's hearts and start businesses.  The successful convening of this conference has injected a strong development impetus into the future work of students and youth of our college.  The conference calls on the young students to study, implement and implement the spirit of this conference seriously, concentrate their efforts, stick to their original mission, work hard and make progress, and comprehensively promote the continuous development of various undertakings of the college.

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