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Our College held a regular meeting on student work and a meeting on safety and stability

Date of issue :2021-06-30   Hits:

In order to effectively improve the service level of student work, enhance the effectiveness of student management work, and fully implement the spirit of the school's recent safety meeting, on June 30, our school held a regular student work meeting and a safety and stability meeting in the conference room on the second floor of the college. Lu Qian, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, and all the counselors attended the meeting, which was chaired by Lu Qian.

In response to the current situation that graduates may be under greater academic pressure, easily fluctuated in mood, and more potential safety hazards. Lu Qian pointed out that counselors should go deep into the dormitory to understand and record the progress, ideological dynamics and progress of such students one by one. Arrange the itinerary, check whether the thirteen key students are included, and do a good job of caring and helping. At the same time, it is necessary to get in touch with the parents of the students in a timely manner, and truthfully introduce the situation of the students in school and the corresponding management methods of the school, so that the parents can fully grasp the dynamics of the students in the school, make it clear that the main body of responsibility has been transferred from the school to the parents, and advocate the parents and the school to cooperate well with the students. Working safely to ensure the safety and stability of the graduates who stay in school during their stay in school.

At the same time, for the current situation that the weather is relatively hot and the temperature of the student dormitory is relatively high, Lu Qian conveyed the corresponding improvement measures of the school, and made careful arrangements for the dormitory hygiene and safety work based on the actual situation of our college. It is emphasized that the counselors should check the dormitory every day, focusing on the inspection and supervision of the dormitory hygiene, ventilation, electricity, work and rest and other issues. Do not playing games all night, maintain a clean and tidy dormitory environment, and developing healthy and regular work and rest habits.

The meeting also made specific arrangements for safety matters such as telecommunications safety, food safety, and traveling safety, and re-emphasized the examination style and discipline of the final exam, requiring all counselors to firmly establish a sense of safety and responsibility, and resolutely implement school and The college's meeting spirit, solidly do a good job in the safety of students in the school, effectively serve students to grow and become talents, and hand over a satisfactory answer sheet for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party.

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