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Our college held a meeting of cadre teachers to announce the decision on the appointment of cadres

Date of issue :2021-08-20   Hits:

Our college held a meeting of cadre teachers to announce the appointment and removal of cadres in the conference room on the fifth floor on the afternoon of August 20. Liu Runxiang, deputy secretary of the University Party committee, and Jia Chaohong, member of the Standing Committee of the University Party committee and director of the Organization Department, attended the meeting. Members of the leading group of the college, director of the third office, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, director and deputy director of the Department Center, Secretary of the Party branch, all professors and administrative personnel attended the meeting,and presided over by Zhou Wei, Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Institute.

Jia read out the appointment document of the cadre position of the University Party committee. Dong Xiaoqiang was appointed Dean of the school of civil engineering, he was removed from the post of Vice Dean of the school of civil engineering at the same time, and introduced the personal situation of Dong.

Zhou made a statement on behalf of the leading group. He said that he would firmly support the decision of the University Party committee, continue to support Dong's work in future, strengthen communication, promote unity, and create a new situation in the work of the college together with all teachers and students.

In his statement, Dong said that he would enter a new role as soon as possible, with the standard of "learning, pragmatism, and integrity", the method of "being square, effective, and promising", and "maintaining the collective authority of the college team, maintaining The good situation of the development of the college and the maintenance of the overall interests of all the faculty and staff" as the goals, and the expectations and trust of the leaders and colleagues will be returned with good performance.

Liu made an important speech. He emphasized that the appointment of cadres was a decision made by the University Party committee after full deliberation and comprehensive consideration according to the needs of the development of the college and the construction of the leading group, which fully reflects the high attention and great concern of the UPC for the development of the college and the construction of the leading group. He fully affirmed the work and development trend of the college, put forward requirements for the development of the college and the college team as well. He hoped that the new team should continue to strengthen team construction, pay attention to team unity, think more, summarize more, work harder and invest more in the new development stage of the university. Firmly grasp the discipline construction, talent training and system construction, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of teaching staff, especially give full play to the role of young and middle-aged teachers, show new achievements with greater courage, promote the better development of the college, and live up to the expectations of the UPC and all teachers and staff.

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